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Our Origins

Sometime in the last century a group of passionate individuals started the Bladins Foundation with a unique structure that awarded parents influence and opportunities for personal involvement in the future of their children's education. 

Members of the Parents' Association (PA), past and present, believe that it was a very conscious effort of the founders to foster a community as well as an atmosphere of exchange and dialogue between all stakeholders of the foundation. They must have believed that this would create the best experience for our children, both within and beyond classroom walls. Today, we are a very active, dedicated, and essential Parent Association, passionate about a thriving and connected community

Our Purpose

Appoint & represent on the foundation board

The formal role of the PA is to elect the foundation board during the Annual General Meeting held once per academic year. The potential candidates for the board are selected by a parent/guardian elected Nominations Committee. Parents traditionally also make up almost half of the board.

It is here parents and guardians of the foundation have the most influence on the foundation's future direction. An engaged and active PA ensures that the quality of our leadership remains high and that all schools are equally and fairly represented. 

Building communities

Our main mission also extends beyond this duty. We are dedicated to fostering a strong connection between home and school, promoting a sense of belonging within the school community through our engaging events, and providing numerous opportunities for parents, staff, and students to come together and celebrate our wonderful communities. We also finance and facilitate many things for our students from guestspeakers, school facilities & equipment to class trips and graduations. 

Our Structure

A member before you enrol your child

All guardians automatically become members of the PA upon enrolment of a child at any of the Bladins Schools. In fact, it is a prerequisite for enrolment to be an active member of the PA and remain a member for the entire time your child or children are at Bladins. 


Enrolling at Bladins comes with a special responsibility - the responsibility to put your time into the community in any of the volunteer roles available. 

The PA board

The PA is organised through a board, consisting of one class representative and one deputy from all the groups or classes at each school. This dedicated team meets regularly to coordinate all PA-related work, and serving as a vital liaison between the school management, teachers and parents.


The board elects a Chair, Secretary, and 4 Vice Chairs, evenly representing both the Swedish and International sections. This PA presidium leads the PA meetings and collaborates with various focus groups.

Being active in the Foundation

The Bladins Foundation is unique in that it provides the parents with a lot more influence than at an ordinary school.  Bladins Foundation parents and guardians are encouraged to lend their innumerable talents to three different volunteer positions, each of them with their unique tasks, but all of them working together towards the common goals of happy children and a thriving foundation. 


The Bladins Foundation Board

The Bladins Foundation Board is the highest decision-maker within the foundation. The elected members of the board must consist of individuals with certain required skill sets (school, business, law, finance) as well as 2 parent representatives from the Bladins International School and the Bladins Grundskola. The foundation board sets the strategic direction for the foundation and is responsible for the foundation's finances. The board also hires or fires the School Director. The Parents of the foundation elect the board members each year at the Parent's Association's Annual General Meeting. 


The Nomination Committee

The members of the Nomination Committee (NomCom) have a very important role within the foundation in that they are mandated to vet and then put forward their suggested candidates for the foundation board.

The NomCom is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bladins Parents Association (PA). The NomCom shall consist of four members, two representatives from the Swedish school and two representatives from the International school. 




The PA Association

There are many ways to volunteer for the PA and it starts with cake. Parents and guardians who just want to help a little are always welcome to contribute food items or a little bit of their time for one of the many social events happening throughout the year. 


Parents /guardians can also take on the role of class rep. Class reps from all grades of all 4 schools form the PA board. The PA board works together to fulfil the formal duties of the PA, coordinates various focus groups and helps manage all events. Class Reps are also the eyes and ears of the parents/guardians allowing the PA to identify and focus on the things that matter.  



Volunteer - It's fun!

Being a volunteer at Bladins is fun and rewarding in so many ways. You get to meet some great people, make friends, learn a lot of things, and put smiles on our childrens' faces. 


If you wish to volunteer for any of the roles with big responsibilities - the foundation board, the nomination committee or the PA board, please contact us directly.


Tell us what you would be interested to volunteer for

Thanks for submitting!

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