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The Parents' Association Board
The Parents' Association Board (PA) consists of one class representative and one deputy from every class within the foundation's four schools. The class representatives are democratically appointed each year at the start of the school year. The PA board is steered by a presidium of 6 parents.
The PA Board currently meets 5 times a year, but also works in separate focus groups that all parents and guardians are welcome to join.
To find out who your class representative is, please contact the presidium.
The Current PA Presidium
Erin Lauderman
Representing BISM.
Olof Adell
Representing Grundskola. Active in the Presidium since late last year. ​
Affan Alam
Representing BISM.
Johan Bjurmar
Representing Grundskola.
Aravin Chakravarthi
Representing BISM.
Carl Englund
Representing Grundskola.
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